JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Chapter 11. Workbench Integration

11.1. REST
11.1.1. Job calls
11.1.2. Repository calls
11.1.3. Organizational unit calls
11.1.4. Maven calls
11.1.5. REST summary
11.2. Keycloak SSO integration
11.2.1. Scenario
11.2.2. Install and setup a Keycloak server
11.2.3. Create and setup the demo realm
11.2.4. Install and setup jBPM Workbench
11.2.5. Securing workbench remote services via Keycloak
11.2.6. Execution server
11.2.7. Consuming remote services

REST API calls to Knowledge Store allow you to manage the Knowledge Store content and manipulate the static data in the repositories of the Knowledge Store. The calls are asynchronous, that is, they continue their execution after the call was performed as a job. The job ID is returned by every calls to allow after the REST API call was performed to request the job status and verify whether the job finished successfully. Parameters of these calls are provided in the form of JSON entities.

When using Java code to interface with the REST API, the classes used in POST operations or otherwise returned by various operations can be found in the (org.kie.workbench.services:)kie-wb-common-services JAR. All of the classes mentioned below can be found in the org.kie.workbench.common.services.shared.rest package in that JAR.

Every Knowledge Store REST call returns its job ID after it was sent. This is necessary as the calls are asynchronous and you need to be able to reference the job to check its status as it goes through its lifecycle. During its lifecycle, a job can have the following statuses:

The following job calls are provided:

Repository calls are calls to the Knowledge Store that allow you to manage its Git repositories and their projects.

The following repositories calls are provided:

[GET] /repositories

Gets information about the repositories in the Knowledge Store

Returns a Collection<Map<String, String>> or Collection<RepositoryRequest> instance, depending on the JSON serialization library being used. The keys used in the Map<String, String> instance match the fields in the RepositoryRequest class

[GET] /repositories/{repositoryName}

Gets information about a repository

Returns a Map<String, String> or RepositoryRequest instance, depending on the JSON serialization library being used. The keys used in the Map<String, String> instance match the fields in the RepositoryRequest class

[POST] /repositories

Creates a new empty repository or a new repository cloned from an existing (git) repository

Consumes a RepositoryRequest instance

Returns a CreateOrCloneRepositoryRequest instance

[DELETE] /repositories/{repositoryName}

Removes the repository from the Knowledge Store

Returns a RemoveRepositoryRequest instance

[POST] /repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/

Creates a project in the repository

Consumes an Entity instance

Returns a CreateProjectRequest instance

[DELETE] /repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/

Deletes the project in the repository

Returns a DeleteProjectRequest instance

[GET] /repositories/{repositoryName}/projects/

Gets information about the projects

Returns a Collection<Map<String, String>> or Collection<ProjectResponse> instance, depending on the JSON serialization library being used. The keys used in the Map<String, String> instance match the fields in the ProjectResponse class

Organizational unit calls are calls to the Knowledge Store that allow you to manage its organizational units, so as to organize the connected Git repositories.

The following organizationalUnits calls are provided:

[POST] /organizationalunits

Creates an organizational unit in the Knowledge Store

Consumes an OrganizationalUnit instance

Returns a CreateOrganizationalUnitRequest instance

[GET] /organizationalunits/{orgUnitName}

Creates an organizational unit

Consumes an OrganizationalUnit instance

Returns a CreateOrganizationalUnitRequest instance

[POST] /organizationalunits/{orgUnitName}

Creates an organizational unit in the Knowledge Store

Consumes an UpdateOrganizationalUnit instance

Returns a UpdateOrganizationalUnitRequest instance

[DELETE] /organizationalunits/{organizationalUnitName}

Deletes a organizational unit

Returns a RemoveOrganizationalUnitRequest instance

[POST] /organizationalunits/{organizationalUnitName}/repositories/{repositoryName}

Adds the repository to the organizational unit

Returns a AddRepositoryToOrganizationalUnitRequest instance

[DELETE] /organizationalunits/{organizationalUnitName}/repositories/{repositoryName}

Removes the repository from the organizational unit

Returns a RemoveRepositoryFromOrganizationalUnitRequest instance

The URL templates in the table below are relative the following URL:

Single Sign On (SSO) and related token exchange mechanisms are becoming the most common scenario for the authentication and authorization in different environments on the web, specially when moving into the cloud.

This section talks about the integration of Keycloak with jBPM or Drools applications in order to use all the features provided on Keycloak. Keycloak is an integrated SSO and IDM for browser applications and RESTful web services. Lean more about it in the Keycloak's home page.

The result of the integration with Keycloak has lots of advantages such as:

  • Provide an integrated SSO and IDM environment for different clients, including jBPM and Drools workbenches

  • Social logins - use your Facebook, Google, Linkedin, etc accounts

  • User session management

  • And much more...

Next sections cover the following integration points with Keycloak:

  • Workbench authentication through a Keycloak server

    It basically consists of securing both web client and remote service clients through the Keycloak SSO. So either web interface or remote service consumers ( whether a user or a service ) will authenticate into trough KC.

  • Execution server authentication through a Keycloak server

    Consists of securing the remote services provided by the execution server (as it does not provides web interface). Any remote service consumer ( whether a user or a service ) will authenticate trough KC.

  • Consuming remote services

    This section describes how a third party clients can consume the remote service endpoints provided by both Workbench and Execution Server.

Keycloak provides an extensive documentation and several articles about the installation on different environments. This section describes the minimal setup for being able to build the integrated environment for the example. Please refer to the Keycloak documentation if you need more information.

Here are the steps for a minimal Keycloak installation and setup:

  • Download latest version of Keycloak from the Downloads section. This example is based on Keycloak 1.9.0.Final

  • Unzip the downloaded distribution of Keycloak into a folder, let's refer it as

  • Run the KC server - This example is based on running both Keycloak and jBPM on same host. In order to avoid port conflicts you can use a port offset for the Keycloak's server as:

    $KC_HOME/bin/standalone.sh -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100

  • Create a Keycloak's administration user - Execute the following command to create an admin user for this example:

    $KC_HOME/bin/add-user.sh -r master -u 'admin' -p 'admin'

The Keycloak administration console will be available at http://localhost:8180/auth/admin (use the admin/admin for login credentials).

Security realms are used to restrict the access for the different application's resources.

Once the Keycloak server is running next step is about creating a realm. This realm will provide the different users, roles, sessions, etc for the jBPM application/s.

Keycloak provides several examples for the realm creation and management, from the official examples to different articles with more examples.

Follow these steps in order to create the demo realm used later in this document:

  • Go to the Keycloak administration console and click on Add realm button. Give it the name demo.

  • Go to the Clients section (from the main admin console menu) and create a new client for the demo realm:

    • Client ID: kie

    • Client protocol: openid-connect

    • Acces type: confidential

    • Root URL: http://localhost:8080

    • Base URL: /kie-wb-6.4.0.Final

    • Redirect URIs: /kie-wb-6.4.0.Final/*

The resulting kie client settings screen:

Note: As you can see in the above settings it's being considered the value kie-wb-6.4.0.Final for the application's context path. If your jbpm application will be deployed on a different context path, host or port, just use your concrete settings here.

Last step for being able to use the demo realm from the jBPM workbench is create the application's user and roles:

At this point a Keycloak server is running on the host, setup with a minimal configuration set. Let's move to the jBPM workbench setup.

For this tutorial let's use a Wildfly as the application server for the jBPM workbench, as the jBPM installer does by default.

Let's assume, after running the jBPM installer, the $JBPM_HOME as the root path for the Wildfly server where the application has been deployed.

In order to use the Keycloak's authentication and authorization modules from the jBPM application, the Keycloak adapter for Wildfly must be installed on our server at $JBPM_HOME. Keycloak provides multiple adapters for different containers out of the box, if you are using another container or need to use another adapter, please take a look at the adapters configuration from Keycloak docs. Here are the steps to install and setup the adapter for Wildfly 8.2.x:

  • Download the adapter from here

  • Execute the following commands on your shell:

    cd $JBPM_HOME/unzip keycloak-wf8-adapter-dist.zip // Install the KC client adapter
    cd $JBPM_HOME/bin
    ./standalone.sh -c standalone-full.xml // Setup the KC client adapter.
    // ** Once server is up, open a new command line terminal and run:
    cd $JBPM_HOME/bin
    ./jboss-cli.sh -c --file=adapter-install.cli

Once installed the KC adapter into Wildfly, next step is to configure the adapter in order to specify different settings such as the location for the authentication server, the realm to use and so on.

Keycloak provides two ways of configuring the adapter:

In this example let's use the second option, use the Keycloak subsystem, so our WAR is free from this kind of settings. If you want to use the per WAR approach, please take a look here.

Edit the configuration file $JBPM_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone-full.xml and locate the subsystem configuration section. Add the following content:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:keycloak:1.1">
  <secure-deployment name="kie-wb-6.4.0-Final.war">
    <credential name="secret">925f9190-a7c1-4cfd-8a3c-004f9c73dae6</credential>

If you have imported the example json files from this document in step 2, you can just use same configuration as above by using your concrete deployment name . Otherwise please use your values for these configurations:

  • Name for the secure deployment - Use your concrete application's WAR file name

  • Realm - Is the realm that the applications will use, in our example, the demo realm created the previous step.

  • Realm Public Key - Provide here the public key for the demo realm. It's not mandatory, if it's not specified, it will be retrieved from the server. Otherwise, you can find it in the Keycloak admin console -> Realm settings ( for demo realm ) -> Keys

  • Authentication server URL - The URL for the Keycloak's authentication server

  • Resource - The name for the client created on step 2. In our example, use the value kie.

  • Enable basic auth - For this example let's enable Basic authentication mechanism as well, so clients can use both Token (Baerer) and Basic approaches to perform the requests.

  • Credential - Use the password value for the kie client. You can find it in the Keycloak admin console -> Clients -> kie -> Credentials tab -> Copy the value for the secret.

For this example you have to take care about using your concrete values for secure-deployment name, realm-public-key and credential password. You can find detailed information about the KC adapter configurations here.

Both jBPM and Drools workbenches provides different remote service endpoints that can be consumed by third party clients using the remote API.

In order to authenticate those services thorough Keycloak the BasicAuthSecurityFilter must be disabled, apply those modifications for the the WEB-INF/web.xml file (app deployment descriptor) from jBPM's WAR file:

  • Remove the following filter from the deployment descriptor:

      <filter-name>HTTP Basic Auth Filter</filter-name>
        <param-value>KIE Workbench Realm</param-value>
      <filter-name>HTTP Basic Auth Filter</filter-name>

  • Constraint the remote services URL patterns as:


Important note: The user that consumes the remote services must be member of role rest-all. As on described previous steps, the admin user in this example it's already a member of the rest-all role.

The KIE Execution Server provides a REST API than can be consumed for any third party clients,. This this section is about how to integration the KIE Execution Server with the Keycloak SSO in order to delegate the third party clients identity management to the SSO server.

Consider the above environment running, so consider having:

  • A Keycloak server running and listening on http://localhost:8180/auth

  • A realm named demo with a client named kie for the jBPM Workbench

  • A jBPM Workbench running at http://localhost:8080/kie-wb-6.4.0-Final

Follow these steps in order to add an execution server into this environment:

  • Create the client for the execution server on Keycloak

  • Install setup and the Execution server ( with the KC client adapter )

As per each execution server is going to be deployed, you have to create a new client on the demo realm in Keycloak.:

  • Go to the KC admin console -> Clients -> New client

  • Name: kie-execution-server

  • Root URL: http://localhost:8280/

  • Client protocol: openid-connect

  • Access type: confidential ( or public if you want so, but not recommended for production environments)

  • Valid redirect URIs: /kie-server-6.4.0.Final/*

  • Base URL: /kie-server-6.4.0.Final

In this example the admin user already created on previous steps is the one used for the client requests. So ensure that the admin user is member of the role kie-server in order to use the execution server's remote services. If the role does not exist, create it.

Note: This example considers that the execution server will be configured to run using a port offset of 200, so the HTTP port will be available at localhost:8280.

At this point, a client named kie-execution-server is ready on the KC server to use from the execution server.

Let's install, setup and deploy the execution server:

Consider your concrete environment settings if different from this example:

  • Secure deployment name -> use the name of the execution server war file being deployed

  • Public key -> Use the demo realm public key or leave it blank, the server will provide one if so

  • Resource -> This time, instead of the kie client used in the WB configuration, use the kie-execution-server client

  • Enable basic auth -> Up to you. You can enable Basic auth for third party service consumers

  • Credential -> Use the secret key for the kie-execution-server client. You can find it in the Credentialstab of the KC admin console

In order to use the different remote services provided by the Workbench or by an Execution Server, your client must be authenticated on the KC server and have a valid token to perform the requests.

Remember that in order to use the remote services, the authenticated user must have assigned:

Please ensure necessary roles are created and assigned to the users that will consume the remote services on the Keycloak admin console.

You have two options to consume the different remove service endpoints:

First step is to create a new client on Keycloak that allows the third party remote service clients to obtain a token. It can be done as:

Once a public client for our remote clients has been created, you can now obtain the token by performing an HTTP request to the KC server's tokens endpoint. Here is an example for command line:

RESULT=`curl --data "grant_type=password&client_id=kie-remote&username=admin&passwordpassword=<the_client_secret>" http://localhost:8180/auth/realms/demo/protocol/openid-connect/token`

TOKEN=`echo $RESULT | sed 's/.*access_token":"//g' | sed 's/".*//g'`

At this point, if you echo the $TOKEN it will output the token string obtained from the KC server, that can be now used to authorize further calls to the remote endpoints. For exmple, if you want to check the internal jBPM repositories:

curl -H "Authorization: bearer $TOKEN" http://localhost:8080/kie-wb-6.4.0.Final/rest/repositories