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The following features were added to jBPM 6.4
This dashboard version also provides the ability to navigate from the graphical indicators to any of the related process or task instances. Now, end users can easily find out the instances that are related to a given indicator and deep into their details as well.
The resulting dashboard is more fluent, more interactive and with a better integration with the jBPM runtime.
Figure 25.8. Asset Editors - Defining Data Objects available for authoring
The Data Object screen lists all Data Objects in the same package as the asset and allows other Data Objects from other packages to be imported.
The following features were added to jBPM 6.3.
Async continuation simplifies usage of asynchronous processing of process activities. Simply marking process activity as async will instruct the engine to complete current processing (including committing transaction) before entering that activity. This in turn will allow more control over what is executed in sequence and improve overall managebility of process execution. Here you can read an article describing this in details.
Signal scopes
Version 6.3 comes with improved support for signaling process instances. Based on concepts of singals defined in BPMN2 jBPM provides additional characteristic to them - the scope. Scope defines how to propagate the signal:
process instance scope - signals only elements within the same process instance, other process isntances won't be affected
default (ksession) scope - signals all elements that are waiting for given signal and are known to running ksession
project scope - signals all components within given project (that means managed by the same instance of runtime manager)
external scope - pluggable scope that allow to customize signal propagation - jBPM 6.3 comes with JMS based implementation which is enabled in workbench (receiving part)
More about the improved signaling can be found in this article.
Improved search capabilities when using jbpm services (RuntimeDataService) that allows
search by correlation key
search by process variable name
search by process variable name and value
Throw async signals
If there are several process instances from different process definitions, all of them waiting the same signal and only one of these process instances throws a RuntimeException all others not related will not move forward as well, because they are executed sequentially in the same transaction. That creates heavy dependency between unrelated process instances. Asynchronous throw event solves the problem by individually signaling each process instance in background.
The remote REST API for accessing the workbench received the following extensions:
More information about executor enhancements can be found in these two articles: Shift gears with jBPM executor and Asynchronous processing
It is prepared to run on almost any container where tested configuration include following:
To get started with KIE Execution Server look at this blog series that provides KIE Execution Server introduction.
A new button to restore the default filters if needed is provided.
New filters can be created using the + button. This enable users to have custom filters. There is one filter per tab.
Users can create as many custom filters as they want. These filters will be stored in the user preferences.
The process instance list now provides domain specific columns to be added in custom filters. When the user creates a custom filter for a specific process definition the process variables are enabled as columns, to the process instance list. This feature wil be added to the task list as well in future versions.
The following features were added to the jBPM core on top of 6.1.
jbpm-services-api - clear services api that shall be used by any client code that consumes services
jbpm-services-cdi - CDI specific code on top of jbpm-kie-services
jbpm-services-ejb-impl - ejb specific code on top of jbpm-kie-services
jbpm-service-ejb-timer - ejb timer service backed by JEE timer service provided by container
jBPM services are intended to be base of execution server (regardless of what framework is used to build it up completely) so should be considered as first choice when enbedding jbpm in custom applications. With 6.2 capabilities it already provides support for most common frameworks used - CDI, EJB, Spring (should simply rely on core implementation). See this article for details and example.
Life cycle management for work item handlers and event listeners
Handler and listeners can implement additional interface to be managed by runtime engine, see work item handler life cycle management for more details.
Deployments are now by default stored in data base (as deployment descriptors) to servive server restarts
Prior to verion 6.2 deployments that were handled by DeploymentService implementation were not persisted so they required to be handled separately - in case of kie-workbench they were stored inside system.git repo. With version 6.2 deployment service will persist that information directly into db which will make it easier in many cases including clustering as it will not require VFS clustering (Zookeeper and Helix) setup.
Extension to deployment descriptor to specify classes (by FQCN) that should be added to JAXB context for remote interfaces interaction
Deployment descriptor accept new set of elements
Classpath scanning for classes to be included in JAXB context for remote interfaces interaction
Classes annotated with javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRootElement and org.kie.api.remote.Remotable will be automatically added to JAXB context of given deployment as soon as they are defined as project dependency. At the same time all classes included in project itself are also added to deployment's JAXB context.
jbpm executor has been enhanced to provide support for:
requeue failed jobs so they can be executed once the error that caused them to is resolved.
reoccuring jobs that allows single definition to be repeatedly invoked based on time intervals, e.g. daily jobs to clean up history log tables. See this article for details and example.
CRON support for intermediate and boundary timer events
Enhanced support for multi instance activities to support completion condition as MVEL expression
The ability to configure role-based permissions for the Project Editor have been added.
Permissions can be configured using the WEB-INF/classes/workbench-policy.properties
The following permissions are supported:
Versions history
The versions history shows a tabular view of the asset versions and provides a "Select" button that will enable the user to load a previously created version.
The metadata section gets access to additional file attributes.
The redesigned comments area enables much clearer discussions on a file.
"New -> Data Object" option was added to create the data objects.
Overview tab was added for every file to manage the file metadata and have access to the file versions history.
Editable "Source Tab" tab was added. Now the Java code can be modified by administrators using the workbench.
"Editor" - "Source Tab" round trip is provided. This will let administrators to do manual changes on the generated Java code and go back to the editor tab to continue working.
Class usages detection. Whenever a Data Object is about to be deleted or renamed, the project will be scanned for the class usages. If usages are found (e.g. in drl files, decision tables, etc.) the user will receive an alert. This will prevent the user from breaking the project build.
The People Perspective is the home page of an user. Showing his infos (including a gravatar picture from user e-mail), user connections (people that user follow) and user recent activities. There is also a way to edit an user info. The search suggestion can be used to navigate to a user profile, follow him and see his updates on your timeline.
The location of new assets whilst authoring was driven by the context of the Project Explorer.
This has been replaced with a Package Selector in the New Resource Popup.
All Popups have been refactored to use GWT-Bootstrap widgets.
Whilst a simple change it brings greater visual consistency to the application as a whole.
A new editor has been added to support modelling of simple decision trees.
See the applicable section within the User Guide for more information about usage.
Now you can embed and run process/task forms that live inside the Kie-Workbench just adding a JavaScript library to your webapps. Look at the Using forms on client applications section to see the full functionality and usage examples.
Deployment descriptors can be configured on various levels for enhanced flexibility to allow simple override functionality. Detailed definition of deployment descriptor can be found in section 14.1.1. Deployment descriptors
We have standardized the display of tabular data with a new table widget.
The new table supports the following features:
The table is used in the following scenarios:
Inbox (Incoming changes)
Inbox (Recently edited)
Inbox (Recently opened)
Project Problems summary
Artifact Repository browser
Project Editor Dependency grid
Project Editor KSession grid
Project Editor Work Item Handlers Configuration grid
Project Editor Listeners Configuration grid
Search Results grid
Example 25.2. Utilize the KieSession
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieContainer kContainer = ks.getKieClasspathContainer();
KieSession kSession = kContainer.newKieSession("ksession1");
kSession.insert(new Message("Dave", "Hello, HAL. Do you read me, HAL?"));
or programmatically using the KieModuleModel
Example 25.4. Including a KieBase into another programmatically
KieModuleModel kmodule = KieServices.Factory.get().newKieModuleModel();
KieBaseModel kieBaseModel1 = kmodule.newKieBaseModel("KBase2").addInclude("KBase1");
KieContainers can be dynamically updated to a specific version, and resolved through Maven if KIE-CI is on the classpath. For stateful KieSessions the existing sessions are incrementally updated.
Example 25.6. Dynamically Update - Java
KieContainer kContainer.updateToVersion(
ks.newReleaseId("org.mygroup", "myartefact", "1.1") );
A KieScanner
can be registered on a KieContainer
as in the following example.
In this example the KieScanner
is configured to run with a fixed
time interval, but it is also possible to run it on demand by invoking the
method on it. If the KieScanner
finds, in the
Maven repository, an updated version of the Kie project used by that KieContainer
it automatically downloads the new version and triggers an incremental build of the new
project. From this moment all the new KieBase
s and KieSession
created from that KieContainer
will use the new project version.
The Guvnor brand leaked too much from its intended role; such as the authoring metaphors, like Decision Tables, being considered Guvnor components instead of Drools components. This wasn't helped by the monolithic projects structure used in 5.x for Guvnor. In 6.0 Guvnor 's focus has been narrowed to encapsulates the set of UberFire plugins that provide the basis for building a web based IDE. Such as Maven integration for building and deploying, management of Maven repositories and activity notifications via inboxes. Drools and jBPM build workbench distributions using Uberfire as the base and including a set of plugins, such as Guvnor, along with their own plugins for things like decision tables, guided editors, BPMN2 designer, human tasks.
The "Model Structure" diagram outlines the new project anatomy. The Drools workbench is called KIE-Drools-WB. KIE-WB is the uber workbench that combines all the Guvnor, Drools and jBPM plugins. The jBPM-WB is ghosted out, as it doesn't actually exist, being made redundant by KIE-WB.
KIE Drools Workbench and KIE Workbench share a common set of components for generic workbench functionality such as Project navigation, Project definitions, Maven based Projects, Maven Artifact Repository. These common features are described in more detail throughout this documentation.
The two primary distributions consist of:
KIE Drools Workbench
Drools Editors, for rules and supporting assets.
jBPM Designer, for Rule Flow and supporting assets.
KIE Workbench
Drools Editors, for rules and supporting assets.
jBPM Designer, for BPMN2 and supporting assets.
jBPM Console, runtime and Human Task support.
jBPM Form Builder.
Workbench highlights:
New flexible Workbench environment, with perspectives and panels.
New packaging and build system following KIE API.
Maven based projects.
Maven Artifact Repository replaces Global Area, with full dependency support.
New Data Modeller replaces the declarative Fact Model Editor; bringing authoring of Java classes to the authoring environment. Java classes are packaged into the project and can be used within rules, processes etc and externally in your own applications.
Virtual File System replaces JCR with a default Git based implementation.
Default Git based implementation supports remote operations.
External modifications appear within the Workbench.
Incremental Build system showing, near real-time validation results of your project and assets.
The editors themselves are largely unchanged; however of note imports have moved from the package definition to individual editors so you need only import types used for an asset and not the package as a whole.
Figure 25.56. Side by side version loading for 'jar1.KBase1' KieBase
@KReleaseId( groupId = "jar1", rtifactId = "art1", version = "1.0")
private KieSession ksessionv10;
@KReleaseId( groupId = "jar1", rtifactId = "art1", version = "1.1")
private KieSession ksessionv11;