JBoss.orgCommunity Documentation

Part II. jBPM Core

Using the jBPM Core Engine

Table of Contents

6. Core Engine API
6.1. Overview
6.2. KieBase
6.3. KieSession
6.3.1. ProcessRuntime
6.3.2. Event Listeners
6.3.3. Correlation Keys
6.3.4. Threads
6.4. RuntimeManager
6.4.1. Overview
6.4.2. Strategies
6.4.3. Usage
6.4.4. Configuration
6.5. Services
6.5.1. Deployment Service
6.5.2. Definition Service
6.5.3. Process Service
6.5.4. Runtime Data Service
6.5.5. User Task Service
6.5.6. QueryService
6.5.7. Working with deployments
6.6. Configuration
7. Processes
7.1. What is BPMN 2.0
7.2. Process
7.2.1. Creating a process
7.3. Activities
7.3.1. Script task
7.3.2. Service task
7.3.3. User task
7.3.4. Reusable sub-process
7.3.5. Business rule task
7.3.6. Embedded sub-process
7.3.7. Multi-instance sub-process
7.4. Events
7.4.1. Start event
7.4.2. End events
7.4.3. Intermediate events
7.5. Gateways
7.5.1. Diverging gateway
7.5.2. Converging gateway
7.6. Others
7.6.1. Variables
7.6.2. Scripts
7.6.3. Constraints
7.6.4. Timers
7.7. Process Fluent API
7.7.1. Example
7.8. Testing
7.8.1. Unit testing
8. Human Tasks
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Using User Tasks in our Processes
8.2.1. Swimlanes
8.3. Data Mappings
8.4. Task Lifecycle
8.5. Task Permissions
8.5.1. Task Permissions Matrix
8.6. Task Service and The Process Engine
8.7. Task Service API
8.7.1. Data model of task service
8.8. Interacting with the Task Service
9. Persistence and Transactions
9.1. Process Instance State
9.1.1. Runtime State
9.2. Audit Log
9.2.1. The jBPM Audit data model
9.2.2. Storing Process Events in a Database
9.2.3. Storing Process Events in a JMS queue for further processing
9.2.4. Variables auditing
9.3. Transactions
9.3.1. Container managed transactions
9.4. Configuration
9.4.1. Adding dependencies
9.4.2. Manually configuring the engine to use persistence
9.4.3. Configuring the engine to use persistence using JBPMHelper - for tests only